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for INSA’s second annual conference, hosted in Melbourne
13 -14 October, but taking place online. The theme of the conference is COLLABORATION.
The conference will provide a global update on school attendance with a focus on how professionals, families and schools can collaborate towards improving attendance.
This international conference will be held via videoconferencing on 13 October (Australia/Pacific time zone), 14 October (European time zone).
Experience more than 35 presentations and participate in ’round table’ discussions with other from around the globe. Video recordings of presentations will be available for three months following the conference in case you miss a session.
The conference will be interdisciplinary event that brings together practitioners, advocates, researchers, academics, educators, and other stakeholders from a range of fields including education, psychology, sociology, social work, juvenile justice, psychiatry, policy, advocacy and more.
The conference will also provide friendly informal opportunities to connect with conference delegates from around the world.
CLICK HERE to learn more including to view the recently released Conference PROGRAM.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Keynote Speakers are already confirmed – click on names below to learn about each speaker.
Hedy N. Chang, Executive Director, Attendance Works, USA Megan Gilmour, Co-founder & CEO Missing School, Australia David Heyne, Co-founder INSA & Leiden University, The Netherlands Chris Varney, Founder & Chief Enabler, ICAN Network, Australia.
INSA is the International Network for School Attendance. It exists for all those who wish to promote school attendance and respond to school attendance problems. It aims to compile, generate, evaluate, and disseminate information, assessment, and intervention strategies. For more information about the organisation and how to become a member, visit