“ICT in education” course

Last available places for the ICT in education course. 

Book your place NOW to the “ICT in education” course that will be organised in Piraeus, Greece from the 21st until the 25th of October 2024. 

Our aim is to equip educational staff with essential digital skills and promote the importance of effective student learning! 

Important information: 

21-25/ October / 2024 

COSTS:  400€ /person 

Contact:   Mrs. Anthopoulou, lila@idec.gr  

IDEC Training Centre (powered by IDEC S.A.) 

96, Iroon Polytechniou Avenue 18536 Piraeus, Greece 

tel: 0030 210 4286227 

fax: 0030 210 4286228 

URL: https://trainingcentre.gr/ | https://idec.gr 

email: idec@trainingcentre.gr | info@idec.gr 

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