The sky is the limit for The Flying Dutchmen
(How to learn to fly sky high with a little propeller)
This article is about the workshop “The Flying Dutchmen” at the HOPE Congress 2025 in Dublin. This workshop is not about rocket science, but about learning how to fly sky high with a little plastic propeller with lots of practical activities, which you can easily do with students with medical or mental health needs.
During this workshop we will do a lot of things, hands on we will work hard and enjoy top fun. And you know, time flies when you are having fun. All participants will explore the limits of the skills of their legs, arms and fingers. You don’t need to be as quick as the lightning. During this workshop you will learn how to play various games with a little propeller with your students. The little propellers in this workshop are ready for use by everyone. There will be safety glasses for everyone.
For this workshop it is recommended to wear shoes that are comfortable to walk in. High heels are not really helpful for this workshop, because we will be jumping, catching and spinning. She/he that can catch and hold is a (wo)man of gold. In this game, your left hand must know very well what your right hand is doing. People with two left hands are also welcome in this workshop, especially if they are left-handed. This is a workshop for people who like to be challenged and who are not afraid to push their boundaries. Everyone can take the propeller home for free at the end of the workshop. There is a time for everything, even for learning how to fly. The Flying Dutchmen are at your service
Authors (hospital teachers from the Netherlands):
Michael de Waard (
Hans Faas (
Jan Haverkate (