Introductory course


Contemporary to the Congress the Free State of Bavaria decided to implement introductory courses.
New to the hospital school moved teachers can prepare themselves
for their educational task in the environment of a clinic.

Health professionals and pedagogues together in the network, From the left:
Prof. Dr. Franz-Joseph Freisleder, Medical Director Heckscherklinik München,
Ms Elisabeth Meixner-Mücke, Head of Schule für Kranke München, Ms
Gerd Falk-Schalk, President of HOPE, Dr. Ludwig Spaenle, State Minister for Education and Culture, Bavaria, Ms Anne-Kathrin Kohtz-Heldrich, Head of Schule an der Heckscher-Klinik München, Prof. Dr. Stefan Burdach, Medical Direktor Klinikum München-Schwabing

Currently a preparatory group is planning the first course in October 2011 at the Academy for Lehrerfortbildung und Personal-führung in Bavaria. In the preparatory group is the idea that this systematic introduction should be a combination of central, regional and in-service training.


This allows a common basis in knowledge, but also a differentiation for the very different roles of the individual schools.



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Schule in der Heckscher-Klinik


Förderverein Schule für Kranke München e.V.
Education and Culture DG
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.