



Sickness can be a long-lasting, heavy burden
causing many restrictions in the life of a child
or adolescent.




Our society must constantly strive to protect
sick children and adolescents from
marginalisation and discrimination.

Government is responsible for establishing
the legal basis to that end.


It is up to schools the world over to set up a network for sick children and adolescents.

Educating the sick must be a permanent part of teacher training.

Schools for the sick are statutory competence centres for teaching and counselling during sickness.

Rooms equipped according to need are necessary for learning effectively.

The competence centres for the teaching and counselling of the sick are open to all children and adolescents of all ages, all types of schooling and all nationalities, who require help and support in their development and their schooling during sickness.

In addition to medical after-care, and analogous to that, the teaching and counselling centres for the sick also support and  counsel sick schoolchildren for as long as necessary during each of their remaining school years.

The teaching and counselling centres for the sick give recommendations for a legally-defined disadvantage compensation that is relevant to the symptoms.

Education during sickness is essential for the development and stabilisation of sick children and adolescents.

This process requires time and patience. This must be of special concern to our society.

Therefore all nations, states, municipalities, communities, and all those involved in this process must guarantee this protection and see that it is put into practice effectively.


Maria Schmidt Elisabeth Meixner-Mücke Anne-Kathrin Kohtz-Heldrich
Board Member HOPE
Head of the Munich School
for Sick Children
Head of the school
in the Heckscher Clinic

German English French Italiano
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Schule in der Heckscher-Klinik


Förderverein Schule für Kranke München e.V.
Education and Culture DG
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